On Social Media Marketing

Justine is a character in the novel, 40 Something and this is an excerpt from the novel.

onlinedating (1)

About Social Media Marketing

Gary left for work and dropped the kids off at school, leaving me home alone.

I work from home. I’m one of the so called lucky ones.

My daily task list pops up on my computer. Today is my day to analyse the data from last week. I like analysing the data of campaigns to see what’s working and what’s not,so I can efficiently allocate resources. It’s a lot of work testing, analysing, trying to figure out what people will engage with.

It’s a game.

I reserve Mondays and Tuesdays for content creation and scheduling it to automatically post. Wednesdays are for analysing, so that on Thursday, I can plan next week’s content. Fridays are for research. There is so much information online it can take all day to read it, analyze it, and decide what is relevant and what is complete BS.

Most of it is BS.

The noise online is deafening at times. Everyone is screaming look at me at the same time, it’s easy to miss relevant information and hard to get a message in front of eyes.

People share the dumbest things and ignore the most intelligent information. The amount of fear based posts and articles going viral, shows just how stupid the populous is. Most of the facts in these articles are made up, rumours, gossip, and lies. Still gullible people believe it and pass it around as if it’s gospel, just because someone wrote it on the Internet.

My least favourite social media posts are the ones about celebrities and their stupid lives. They are just people and they can’t even get a cup of coffee without someone making up some meaning about it.

A-list celebrity was seen alone buying a cup of coffee, does this mean splitsville for this Hollywood powerhouse couple?

God, who cares?

I guess the majority of those wasting time on social media because sites capitalizing on high traffic don’t offer up good content. They offer up sensationalized content, celebrity gossip, and complete mind numbing click bait garbage. People click on it, the sites get huge amounts of traffic to entice advertisers to pay the big bucks.

It makes my job harder.

I had one client suggest we attach a celebrity to his product by photo shopping the product onto a celebrity pic, which he stole off the web.

“Think of the hits we’ll get and the sales.” He said.

“We can’t do that.” I said.

“Why not? Just take this pic, paste the product in and viola, instant celebrity endorsement.”

“The photo is copyrighted, you can’t use any photo you find online. It has to be a photo you either took or bought.”

“Buy one.”

“It’s not that easy or cheap. Sure I could buy a stock photo for ten bucks, but a celebrity photo, that’ll cost thousands.”

“No one is going to care.”

“The celebrity will because they will want a fee for using their image and the photographer will sue you for use of his property. That’s two law suits.”

“The publicity will be great.”

My head began to hurt.

“It’s illegal, unethical, and bad taste. I’m not going to do it. And if you do, it’s time we rethink our arrangement.” I told him.

“What? You thought I was serious? I was just kidding, Justine. I know we can’t do it, but can you imagine the traffic if we did?”

He wasn’t kidding. I finally cut ties with him over another hair-brained scheme to use cat photos. His product has nothing to do with cats. I hate it when companies start using cat gifs and photos to attract attention, it’s inauthentic and screams desperation.

Clients like him, end up finding someone who will bend the rules, find the loopholes, and, for the short term, it works. Thing is, these same clients are calling me crying about how their website and profiles are blacklisted by search engines and the social media companies. They beg me to take them back, but by then, the damage is done and it will cost way too much to fix.

The only thing they can do is start over.

It’s like authenticity and integrity got lost on its way down the information highway. Everyone wants quick overnight success and my clients expect me to get it for them. They don’t look beyond last week to see the years of work that it took for big names to get overnight success. Not to mention, the foresight and luck.


Phone Rings.

“Hello, Justine here, how may I help you?”

“Mom, I forgot my Math book and I need it for next period. Can you bring it?” It’s my son, Harper.

“I can, I’m totally able to get up, find the book, get in the car and drive it to you. The question is, will I?” I ask.

“Mooooom. You know what I mean. I need the book for class or I’m gonna get a detention.”

“Maybe you’ll remember it next time.”

“You know, other moms bring their kid’s their books.”

“Do they now?”


Why do I go through this farce? I know I’ll end up taking him his math book. It’s what good moms do. We save our children from the evils of detention. We save them from their mistakes, just like Gary saves me from mine.

“What time?” I ask.

“In an hour. I’ll clean my room when I get home.”


“No really. I will. Cause I won’t be in detention.”

“Alright. Meet me out front in an hour.”

“Thanks mom.”

“So, where is it?”

“Where’s what?”

“The book.”

“I don’t know. I think it’s in my room somewhere.”

“Be out front.”

I download the analytic data onto my computer, I’ll head over to the closest coffee shop and work from there today for a change of scenery.

Harper’s room is a disaster area.

I don’t even know where to start looking for the damn book. I put the dirty clothes, which are acting as carpeting, into the empty basket. I put the books on the shelf and carry all the dirty dishes into the kitchen. Where I discover the dishwasher needs to be emptied before I can put the dishes in it.

Always something.

Fifteen minutes have gone by and I still have to find the book and drive to the school. I rush back up to his room and look under the bed, on the desk, in the desk, and in the closet. I find lots of things I’d rather not, like the science experiment behind the desk that once might have resembled an apple or maybe a pear?

I make a quick trip to the bathroom to get some paper towel and cleaner, it takes me all of five minutes to clean up the mess. The carpet will have to be cleaned properly, another thing to put on my to do list.

I have to find that book.

The room is tiny. They build kid’s bedrooms so small these days that there isn’t any room in here to loose anything. OK, if I was a math book, better yet, if I was Harper‘s math book, where would I be? I strip his bed and then remake it. There are plenty of items that don’t belong in a bed, like video games and crumbs, but no math book.

Where the hell is it?

I’ve got fifteen minutes left to get the book and get it to the school. Maybe Gary knows where it is. I dial his number.

“Hey hun what’s up?” Gary’s chipper voice.

“Do you have any idea where Harper’s math book might be?”

“Math book? We were doing his math homework last night in the family room. Did you check there?”

“No. He told me it was in his room.”

“It should be on the right side of the computer screen on the corner desk. There might be a notepad on top of it and if he forgot his math book, his socials books might be there too.”

“Thanks, I really appr–.”

He hangs up before I finish my sentence.

I run down to the family room in the basement and there, on the right hand side of the computer screen, is a pile of textbooks. Math, socials, and science. I have ten minutes to get to the school.



40 Something follows the lives of 5 women trying to figure out life in the 21st Century. Do you have any insights or stories you’d like to share?

For more about the series go to www.shannonpeel.com 


Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PM

In her new Chicklit novel, Shannon Peel is exploring what it means to be a 40 something woman in the 21st Century. Each of the 5 women are personalities that we as woman are made up of in various degrees. We are too complex to be just one. 

For more about this novel and her YA Novel, THIRTEEN, go to www.shannonpeel.com 



Excerpts of the Novel #ThatsLife

Shannon Peel

Here a list of excerpts from the series 40 Something, a story about 5 women juggling careers, kids, family, and men. It’s a story about life, love, marriage, dating, divorce, technology, and finding oneself.

There Must be More to Life

In the first chapter of the series, Justine contemplates about life at 40 and wonders if she’s missed something.

Click to read excerpt

chicklit novel coffee shop sm

Online Dating Surprises: 

After being married for almost 20 years, Sophie has started dating again. She has her first date with a man she met online and he’s sent her a text to confirm.

Click to read the excerpt

chicklit novel bedroom sm

Date Night with Hubby

Rose is getting ready for a date night with her husband Gus. Will she be ready in time?

Click to read excerpt

Chicklit man hater

Date Changes his Mind

Charlie is excited about going to dinner with a man she met online, but did he change his mind or did she make a mistake?

Click to read excerpt.

Birthday party

It’s Just a Birthday Party

Justine’s son has been invited to an epic birthday party that makes her feel inferior as a mother. Is it really just a birthday party?

click to read excerpt


Teenagers, Can I Give them Away?

Rose contemplates life with four teenagers in the house and wonders what happened to the wonderful, cute, and obedience children she once had.

Click to read the excerpt

hungover chicklit novel

FWBs Are Fun

Lindsay’s thoughts on friends with benefits arrangements and how they fit into her dating life.

Click to read excerpt

Interested in getting an electronic copy to review on a blog, Goodreads.com, or Amazon leave a comment.

chicklit novel coffee shop sm

Alone and Unloved

Recently separated Sophie is scared and alone. Will she find love again or is she, as her abusive ex claims, unlovable?

Click to read excerpt


girl thatslife small

Get your free #ThatsLife Ebook Download. https://www.shannonpeel.com/a-chicklit-novel

Purchase other issues of the Novella Series:


Read Excerpts https://www.shannonpeel.com/coffee-with-shannon/categories/chicklit-novelThis

post was originally published in 2015.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PM

In her new Chicklit novel, Shannon Peel is exploring what it means to be a 40 something woman in the 21st Century. Each of the 5 women are personalities that we as woman are made up of in various degrees. We are too complex to be just one. 

For more about this novel and her YA Novel, THIRTEEN, go to www.shannonpeel.com 

For more about this novel and her YA Novel, THIRTEEN, go to www.shannonpeel.com 

Online Dating Surprises

Shannon Peel

Finding herself single after almost 20 years of marriage, Sophie is trying her hand at Online Dating. She’s new and unsure about what is appropriate, what isn’t, and shocked by what she encounters. Follow her and her friends as they navigate life in the 21st Century.

Excerpt from #ThatsLife. A book about life, family, children, marriage, dating, careers, rivals, sisters, friends, technology, abuse, love, and so much more.

Sophie & Dating

It is so weird to be dating again.

I haven’t dated since the early 90s.

It’s so different now.

Before a guy would pick you up in a bar, coffee shop or at school now, my friends tell me that is not how things work. Charlie says that no matter where you go, men don’t come up and talk to women. Go to a bar and no one says boo. Go to a coffee shop and all you get is coffee. Go to the park and nothing. I’m not sure if Charlie is right, but I haven’t met a man in the real world.

It’s all online now.

This online dating thing is a bit addictive. I spend so much time going through profiles to find the ones I like, I hardly get anything done. I read the guy’s message. I think about what to say. I type mine. Then I wait for his response. You’d think I’d get stuff done while I wait, but no, I don’t. I look at other profiles. I have conversations with other men. It’s kinda cool actually. I mean, I get to chat with guys I’d never dare talk to in the real world.

We spend hours messaging back and forth to each other. It feels like a waste of time because we never make any plans to meet, just message back and forth. Once they get to know me and my situation they aren’t too interested in anything real.

A date for dinner tonight.

It’s my first date.

Charlie was kinda pissed when I told her it was for dinner. She said I should only go for coffee because he might be a bore and I’d want to escape. Lindsay thinks she’s just jealous because I got a dinner date and Charlie doesn’t get asked out for dinner or even coffee.

Charlie is amazing. I wish I was more like her. I don’t understand why she’s single and has so many problems with men.

She is much prettier than me. Her face is very pretty. If she’d exercise and lose a bit of weight she’d be a knock out. Her body has a nice hourglass shape with really big boobs. I’ve got nothing for a chest, I could be a boy I’m so flat. She’s so smart. Has a good job and is so confident about everything. I don’t know why she can’t find a guy.

My phone just whistled to let me know I have a text message.

It’s from Al. He’s the one I’m meeting for dinner tonight.

Al: Hey we still on for tonight?

Me: Yes. I can’t wait.

Al: I’m getting off earlier so we can meet at 6.

Me: Sure.

Al: Great. What are you going to wear? Something sexy?

Me: I don’t know yet.

I have a cute dress that I picked up from a thrift store yesterday after we made the date. It cost me $25. I really shouldn’t have bought it, I shouldn’t be wasting money on dresses and stuff.

Al: I like a woman in a dress.

Me: Oh

Al: And high heels

Me: OK

Al: I love the colour red.

Me: Oh

Al: Are you going to want to kiss me?

Me: I don’t know. Maybe.

Al: Maybe? Ah come on hun. You’ll kiss me.

Me: Maybe. I have to go. I have things to do.

Al: Ok babe. I’ll kiss you lots tonight.

Me: See you tonight.

I don’t know him. I don’t know if I’m going to want to kiss him. But I guess. I mean he is buying me dinner. Maybe I will want to kiss him. I don’t know. I wish he didn’t go on like that. It makes me uncomfortable. What’s one kiss?

I guess I’ll find out tonight. I better get going, I do have a lot to do before tonight.

My phone beeps with a text message. It’s from Al and there is a pic.

Oh my god.

I drop my phone.

What the hell?

The phone whistles with a text again. I’m scared to look. It might be another pic. What if my kids had my phone? I cringe. It whistles again. I pick it up and check the messages from Al.

It’s another pic and message. I’m freaking out. I don’t know what to do.

Al: What do you think hun? You like?

Me: Why did you send that?

Al: It’s fun. Send me a couple of you spread open for me.

Me: No. NO. no.

Al: Hun it’s all good. It’s just flirting. We’re adults.

Me: I don’t think so and I’m not sure I want to meet.

Al: I was just testing you. Seeing what kind of gal you are. I like that you won’t.

Me: OK?

Al: You a good girl and I like that. I’ll see you tonight. Can’t wait.

Me: Ok.

I delete the photos of his naked, standing to attention thingy. I can’t believe he sent that to me. I don’t even know the guy and he sends me that. Why the hell did he send me that?

girl thatslife small

Get your free #ThatsLife Ebook Download. https://www.shannonpeel.com/a-chicklit-novel

Purchase other issues of the Novella Series:


Read Excerpts https://www.shannonpeel.com/coffee-with-shannon/categories/chicklit-novelThis

post was originally published in 2015.

Read More Excerpts

Who is the story about?

Sophie is one of five central characters.

The Jaded one  – The one who is bitter about men

The Romantic one  – The one who is happily married

The Fun one – The one who parties and loves men

The Tragic one – The one who is hurting and lost

These are the characters I am starting with. I will draw from my life experience and the stories I read, am told, and other share with me to define the characters and their journey through life.

What do you think?  Am I missing someone? Is there a type of relationship or woman that you think I need to explore and add to the group?

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PM

In her new Chicklit novel, Shannon Peel is exploring what it means to be a 40 something woman in the 21st Century. Each of the 5 women are personalities that we as woman are made up of in various degrees. We are too complex to be just one. 

For more about this novel and her YA Novel, THIRTEEN, go to www.shannonpeel.com 

Lists and Chores

Excerpt from Book 4 of 40 Something, coming out in November 2016


Shannon PeelTo Do List

  • Coffee with the girls at 11
  • School meeting at 1
  • Grocery shopping
  • Pick up Aiden and Jessica at 3
  • Make a roast for dinner
  • Put on a load of towels
  • Pay the bills

I bite on the end of the pen and twirl it along my lips. I know I’m forgetting something. I reach for the oversized calendar, where all the kid’s appointments are written out in different colours. It is filled with words; pink one’s for Alexis, red ones for Isabella, blue ones for Aiden and the odd purple word for Jessica.

I find today’s date and … Why I don’t check the calendar, before making my daily to do, list is beyond me. Isabella has a dentist appointment after school and Aiden has a football game at a school in the next town over. I scratch out picking him up at 3 and text Jessica to tell her I won’t be able to pick her up from school. I add pick up Isabella and take her to the dentist for 3:30 onto the list, then, pick Aiden up at 6 from the school.

If I throw the sauce together now and dump it in the slow cooker, I’ll only need to make the pasta when I get home. I text all the kids and Gus, Dinner @ 7.

Having dinner, as a family, every day is important.

As if on cue Alexis texts, I have a class tonight. I slam my thumbs onto the letters as I text back, why isn’t it on the calendar? She answers back with a quick, why does it matter? I respond with It just does.

I don’t expect her to respond, and she doesn’t.

I reach for a pile of different coloured pads of paper. A different colour for each of the children and Gus’ Honey Do List. I divide up the various chores between the children and make notes about those things that need to be brought to their attention, like Isabella not picking up her clothes off the bathroom floor – again – or Aiden leaving his skateboard at the bottom of the stairs – again. One day these messages will get through those thick skulls.

I look at the items on the lists. All the mundane chores, which I know I’ll end up doing because they are all too busy to help out. The excuses are endless: Too tired. Have too much homework. Have to be somewhere else. Forgot to do it. They always have a reason why they don’t complete their tasks and the work falls to me.

Over the years I’ve tried different incentive and punishment ideas to get the kids to do their chores. It lasts for all of a week, if I’m really lucky, then it’s back to me doing everything again. When I think about the planning, keeping track, and cost associated with each failed idea, I cringe. It’s so much easier to do the work myself, than to try to get them to do any of it.

Anger descends onto my shoulders and I clench my teeth. There is so much to do and no matter how much I run around cleaning up after everyone, when I turn around, it looks like I’ve done nothing. Absolutely nothing. Most times when I look behind me, the mess is bigger than the one I’d just cleaned up. I look at the pad’s of paper with the lists laid out in front of me, each item yelling to be completed first. Why do I even bother? I know I’m going to end up doing every chore on those lists. Still, maybe one day, hell will freeze over and God willing, they will complete one item written out. I keep hoping.

Maybe I should go on strike.

An image of garbage flowing out of the windows and doors, flashes in my mind’s eye. Piles of laundry, dirty dishes, and stuff strewn around the place becoming the stuff of horror movies. I feel overwhelmed by the thought and all energy drains away, leaving a deep tiredness behind.

I don’t have time to be tired.

I get up. Best to keep moving. I have to deal with the pile of dirty dishes on the counter. Who was supposed to empty and fill the dishwasher last night? I glance at yesterday’s chore lists as I open the dishwasher and proceed to empty it of clean dishes to make way for the dirty ones. Aiden. I don’t think that boy knows how to empty the dishwasher, let alone fill it.

My phone’s alarm starts beeping, interrupting me. It’s ten thirty and I need to be leaving the house in 10 minutes. I quickly finish up and start the dishwasher before heading out the door.

Always so much to do and nothing ever gets done.

Read More Excerpts

girl thatslife small

Get your free #ThatsLife Ebook Download. https://www.shannonpeel.com/a-chicklit-novel

Purchase other issues of the Novella Series:


Read Excerpts https://www.shannonpeel.com/coffee-with-shannon/categories/chicklit-novelThis

post was originally published in 2015.


Birthday party

Click image for Pirate Birthday Invitations

Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a look at the characters in a new novel about being a 40+ year old woman in today’s world. The novel, like all literature, draws from real life but embellishes it, changes it, and merges it together with fantasy. You won’t find a 100% true story on the blog or in the novel. I welcomes any parenting or dating stories you would like to share for the book, but please understand the story will only be a jump off point as I’m not about to publish anything exactly as it happened. Email her today at Shannonpeel01[ at ]gmail [.com]

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PMShannon Peel is the author of THIRTEEN a book about a boy and his mom caught behind enemy lines when soldiers attack their North American hometown. The story asks the question, what if it happened here?

For more information check out her website. www.shannonpeel.com

There Must be More to Life

Excerpt from 40 Something. A book about life, family, children, marriage, dating, careers, rivals, sisters, friends, technology, abuse, love, and so much more.



Was there ever a time when it was simple to be a 40 Something woman?

Was it easier back in the day when everyone knew their place? When men were men and women were women? Did that made it simpler. I hope not, because if life was easier, better, more productive back in the day, what was the point of struggling for feminism and equality?

It’s just that, it doesn’t always feel like our lives are better. There is more pressure, more stress, and more responsibility. It feels like something is missing. Like this can’t be all there is to life? Like it’s all one big revolving wheel that goes nowhere. Take my life. Every morning at our house is exactly the same:

“Mom where are my shirts?” My daughter Emma asks.

“Shirts? In your closet?” I reply.


“Folded in a basket?”


“Damn. Are you sure?”

“Ya. Never mind I found them.”


“Wet and stinky in the washing machine. When did you wash them?”

I try to think. I can’t really remember when I did.

“Do you have a dirty one that you can wear?”

Sending my daughter to school in dirty clothes, what would my mother say? Thing is I know exactly what she’d say, she told me just last week.

“You just need to do things during work breaks. You work from home, how hard can it be to stop, take a break, switch out the laundry, do a load of dishes, sweep the floor, then go back to work?”

It is a good question. I generally don’t take breaks, and if I do, I’m surfing the net, grabbing a coffee, getting a bite to eat or checking my social media. I don’t really think to do the laundry. Hence my daughter yelling at me about how hard done by she is because she has to wear a shirt she already wore to school. Heaven help us, what will the kids think? What will her teachers think? Will they call social services if her shirt gets dirty enough?

My husband comes down to save the day. He does this a lot. He’d grabbed a couple of clean


shirts she doesn’t like, out of her dresser, walked into the kitchen and said,

“Your choice, the dirty one, one of these, a smelly one, or you could just go in your bra. Up to you.”

I choke on my coffee. ‘And if she’d chosen to go in her bra, then what?’ She doesn’t. She just says Daaaad in that oh you’re so embarrassing way teen girls have and grabs a clean one out of his hand.

“I’ll go run the load, pour me a cup of coffee” he says and disappears into the laundry room.

My gawd, I can’t even imagine what my great-grandmother did before washing machines were invented. I turn, pour my husband a cup of coffee, add two teaspoons of sugar, and pop a bagel into the toaster for his breakfast.

I’ve filled the dishwasher and am just turning it on, when I feel his strong arms wrap around me from behind. I lean into him. It feels so normal.


Our ten-year-old son’s voice interrupts us and I am twirled around to face my husband who kisses me, while our son makes fake gagging noises. The kiss is just a passionless peck, normal, boring. He did it to gross out our son more than to kiss me.

“Your coffee, kind sir.”


I look at him, shake my head, and turn to butter his bagel.

“Gus and Rose’s place Sunday afternoon?” He asks and I nod. “Girls’ night after?” I nod again. “And I’m stuck babysitting?”

“Parenting dear. It’s called parenting when the kids are yours.”

“Are you sure they’re mine.”


That’s a typical morning. Every day it’s the same. A chore I forgot to do, my husband swooping in to fix things, my kids needing something or disapproving of something I did or didn’t do. Each day is pretty much the same; chores, kids, work, bed. Always the same. Perfectly the same. Perfect. The perfect life.
I am forty years old. I have a wonderful, loving husband, two well-adjusted kids, a gorgeous home in suburbia, and a career. I have a good life and I feel like I am missing something, like I’ve forgotten something, did something wrong.

Did my mother feel this way? Did my grandmother? Did my great-grandmother? Did my grandmother ever forget to switch over the wash and have to wash the load two more times before it made it into the dryer? Did she own a dryer? Did she have to run her kids around from one activity to the next? Help them with homework more advanced than when she’d gone to school? Did she feel the pressure of friends, family and society to be perfect? Did she always feel judged? Did she ever look at her life and wonder if she made the right choices?

copy-of-copy-of-40-10Will it be different when my daughter is forty?

By then everyone will probably just swallow a pill and say, “that’s dinner.” So, if women have more time because they don’t have to cook, will life be any different? Or will my daughter be looking at forty saying, I think I forgot to do something.

More Excerpts

Date Night With Hubby 

chicklit novel bedroom sm

Sophie gets a Surprise from an Online Date

chicklit novel coffee shop sm

Why FWBs are a Good Option

hungover chicklit novel




Shannon Peel (6)

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PM

Shannon Peel is the author of 40 Something, Captive, and  THIRTEEN. For more information check out her website.www.shannonpeel.com

Alone and Unloved

Excerpt from the book 40 Something about 5 women juggling careers, kids, family, and men. Based on true stories about life, marriage, dating, careers, rivals, sisters, friends, technology, abuse, love, and so much more.


I am unwanted.

I am unworthy.

I will never be loved.

These words keep going around and around in my head. Repeating themselves over and over. It’s like there is a demon talking inside my mind and it won’t shut up. It won’t stop. It’s incessant. I just want it to be silent so I can think, so I can sleep, so I can move on. How can I move on when I feel so alone? The pain inside is palpable. Every word stabs at me. Every realization rips me apart. I want to cry, scream, beat something, the pain is brutal and it won’t go away. It burns in my throat and behind my eyes. It rips at my heart. It leaves an empty hole beneath my breastbone. Everything hurts. A deep tired ache with every nerve on fire to remind me I’m alone.

I will always be alone.

Forever alone.

I’m damaged goods.

Craig found someone to love him. He found love, so, he must have been right when he said that I was the reason our marriage didn’t work, that I’m not good enough to love. He treats her with respect. He cares about her wants and needs. He never cared about mine. I was nothing but a burden to him. A responsibility he no longer wanted. I didn’t matter. What I wanted didn’t matter. Who I am didn’t matter. My happiness never mattered. All that mattered was him.

My kids need me.

I need to focus all my energy and attention on them. I’m a mother. Mothers don’t date. Mothers don’t go to bars. Mothers don’t have sex with men that aren’t their kid’s fathers. Mothers are good. I’m only a mother.

I’m a single mother.



My mother couldn’t love me. My husband couldn’t love me. I am unworthy of love, I know that, every guy can see that. They’ll know. I’ll just get rejected. I don’t want to date. I don’t want to be thrown away again.

Men don’t talk to me. Men talk to Lindsay because she’s gorgeous, fun, and happy. She doesn’t have all the problems I have. Men talk to Charlie because she is smart, successful and interesting. She doesn’t have all the insecurities I have. Men see them. Men don’t see me.




Lindsay wants me to go to some shindig with her tonight. I don’t want to go. Maybe I should tell her I’m sick. Who am I kidding? I’ll go. Even though I don’t want to. I’ll go because she asked me to. I never say no. I never do what I want. I don’t know. I’ll go. I don’t want to stay home. I don’t want to go. I just. Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know what I want.

Maybe I should ask Craig what I should do. He always told me what to do. I’m lost without him.

I better get ready. Lindsay will be ready to go soon. She won’t let me stay home. Damn. Why don’t I know what I want?

I am unlovable.

I am unwanted.

I am alone.

The pain is sharp and it cuts into my soul, shredding it to pieces.


Why do we Shame Each Other



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Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a look at the characters in a new novel about being a 40+ year old woman in today’s world. The novel, like all literature, draws from real life but embellishes it, changes it, and merges it together with fantasy. You won’t find a 100% true story on the blog or in the novel. I welcome any parenting or dating stories you would like to share for the book, but please understand the story will only be a jump off point as I’m not about to publish anything exactly as it happened. Email me today at Shannonpeel01[ at ]gmail [.com]

And yes…. Dating stories about women behaving badly are welcome too, as my characters are flawed and handicapped when it comes to dating.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PMShannon Peel is the author of THIRTEEN a book about a boy and his mom caught behind enemy lines when soldiers attack their North American hometown. The story asks the question, what if it happened here?

For more information check out her website.www.shannonpeel.com

Why FWBs Are A Good Option

Warning this post talks about sex. Shhh don’t tell anyone. Worse, it talks about casual sex with FWBs. I know shame on me. If you find this post offensive. Do not start reading the 40 Something series.

Lindsay, a character from the series, wanted to share her thoughts on FWBs and why she uses them. This is a work of fiction and in no way are a reflection of my personal opinions.

Lindsay is a Character

I can’t get enough sex. I love sex. My body craves it, needs it, demands it.

I love men. I love everything about them. The way they smell. The way they feel wrapped around me. The way they sound. The way they taste. I can’t get enough of them.

Most of the men I meet online are not boyfriend material. They are emotionally closed off. They have demanding careers. They are looking for a specific woman and I’m not it. I’m seeking a certain kind of man and they aren’t it. There are so many reasons why he isn’t the one. That doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun.

Some men are studs some are duds.

I’d rather have sex right away and find out if he’s a dud or a stud. No use getting all emotionally entangled to find out he isn’t any good in the sac.

The young boys are too inexperienced and insecure to know how to please a woman, however they are teachable and when you teach them they are like rabbits. I don’t mind being their Mrs. Robinson. I just don’t want to be teaching a young buck long term. What can a boy give me besides a never ending F***? Not much.

The guys in their mid life crisis phase are too selfish to be good lovers. They don’t care if you’re having fun. They just want get themselves off. A selfish lover is the worst kind and if I come across one, it’s never a repeat engagement, no matter how much he calls me the next day.

Older men know how to please a woman, they just don’t have the stamina to keep up. That might be why they spend so much time on foreplay and using their fingers to do mind blowing things. Mind blowing. They are creative, however, they can’t exactly keep it hard and I like a large, thick, hard… Well you know.

When I find a guy who knows what he’s doing in the bedroom, one who can blow my mind, I keep him around, even if he isn’t boyfriend material outside it.

That’s why I have more than one FWB. You know, friend with benefits. A guy you call up and go over to his place to hang out and get f***** right. Where when you leave, your not expecting him to call the next day because quite frankly, you don’t want him to.

Take Mark, my favourite FWB.

He’s about 56 years old and owns some kind of business, don’t ask, I don’t care what he does. He lives down the street from me in a beautiful condo overlooking the bay. He has great taste in art and an Interior Decorator to die for. In fact, I stole her to give my place a much needed face lift.

Marc isn’t interested in falling in love. He doesn’t want a girlfriend. He definitely does not want a wife. He likes his place and his life just the way it is. Drama and problem free.

I love his c****. I’m not too crazy about him. He only talks about himself and doesn’t much care about my life or making sure I’m happy. Satisfied yes, happy, no. His number one rule – Keep your problems at the door.

Why do I bother hanging out with Mark? He’s hot. He’s sexy. And when I leave his place, I can barely walk and I’m intoxicated from the amount of released chemicals pumping through my system.

I don’t love Mark, don’t even like him much, but I sure love getting F***** by him.

I have a few guys like this, each one f***s me a different way. Some are better than others. Each one fulfills a different fantasy.

What’s wrong with that?

Your Thoughts

Back to the author of the series….

Thanks for your thoughts Lindsay. Personally, I do not use FWBs. I’m not emotionally detached enough or masculine enough to survive such an arrangement. I know this about myself. I do know some women who are quite happy with these types of arrangements. It’s part of their dating game plan and it works for them.

That’s the great thing about people, we’re all different.

What is your opinion on the topic?  Put in the comments section.

Read more Excerpts

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Love, Can I Chose Not to Need it?

you are lovely (1)_Fotor

Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a look at the characters in a new series about being a 40+ year old woman in today’s world. This novel takes from real life, stories women have shared, stories men have shared, books I have read, movies I have watched. It takes all the information and merges it, mixes, it, embellishes it. You won’t find a 100% true story on the blog or in the novel.

I welcome any 40 Something stories you would like to share for the book, but please understand the story will only be a jump off point for the characters as I’m not about to publish anything exactly as it happened.

Email me today at Shannonpeel01[ at ]gmail [.com]

And yes…. Dating stories about women behaving badly are welcome too, as my characters are flawed and handicapped when it comes to dating.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PMShannon Peel is the author of THIRTEEN a book about a boy and his mom caught behind enemy lines when soldiers attack their North American hometown. The story asks the question, what if it happened here?

For more information check out her website.www.shannonpeel.com

It’s Just a Birthday Party

Excerpt from the book 40 Something about 5 women juggling careers, kids, family, and men.

Click for Paperback


Harper came home from school waiving an invitation to his best friend, Jack’s, 10th birthday party. Every year this kid’s mom goes all out. The lady is Martha Stewart on steroids. My kid’s are lucky if I remember to pick up the cake on the way to whatever venue I booked for their party. This woman transforms her home into party central and makes the whole thing an experience.

For the kid’s 6th birthday she made these pop up pirate invitations. She made them. The kids were supposed to dress up like pirates. That’s right, a costume. It wasn’t good enough to just show up with a gift, I had to figure out a costume for the event. Worse, I was expected to stay because it was a big person event too. I’m not one for socializing and thankfully costumes were optional for adults.

As soon as we get there she hands Harper an old looking aged piece of paper. It’s a letter written, in calligraphy, that says:

Blackbeard the pirate has stolen Captain Jack’s treasure and he needs your help to find it. Meet him on his ship below the tavern where the world’s best chili is made. On the way you will need to find a few things to help Captain Jack battle Blackbeard.

Great. A treasure hunt.

No, correction. A scavenger hunt.

Harper drags me down the stairs to the basement where a ship has been constructed out of large cardboard boxes. The floor is covered in blue tarps secured down with large stones and there is even a mermaid swimming in the water. To get onto the ship Harper had to walk the plank. A balance beam made out of wood and about a foot off the ground.

This is not a birthday party. It is a theatrical production.Pirate Birthday Party

“Wow. Can you believe this party?” Christine leans over and whispers in my ear. “I thought last year’s Thomas the Train party was over the top. Kathleen out did herself this time.”

“I know. Harper is going to want something like this. Is the whole class here?”

“Yep. Along with a few more.”

I can feel a head ache coming on already just from the thought of all the work that has gone into this day. I don’t understand how she does it or even why she does it. All that work for a party that lasts what, 3 hours? She must be exhausted by the end of the day.

“I don’t know about you Justine, but I think this calls for a bowl of wine, coming?”

I follow Christine back up the stairs to the kitchen which has been converted into a pirate like pub with a wench and bartender.

“Arr Matey what ye be wanting?”

“Two glasses of white wine.” Christine orders and the bartender, Kathleen’s brother, places two half full glasses on the kitchen island’s eating bar. I take a few sips and smile conspiratorially at Christine. “Let’s go outside.”

The deck was even decorated to make it appear like an extension of the pirate’s pub.

“How much do you think she spends on these things?” I ask Christine.

“A few hundred dollars and weeks of work. I saw Rose in the grocery store the other day, she seems to be doing well.” I nod. “Any chance her and Gus are on the outs?”

I force a laugh while shaking my head. Every single woman, and a few married ones, I know ask me regularly if there is any chance that Gus will be single. A few are even bold enough to ask how my marriage is holding up in hopes that Gary will be a free agent soon. I bet a few of them have considered offering up a sacrifice to the gods asking for me to die, leaving Gary a grieving widow. And very single.

“A girl can always dream.”

“How is the hunt for the new man coming?”

It’s her turn to laugh and her laugh is genuine.

“It’s not. I swear there are no decent single men out there. You won the lotto when you snagged Gary. I went on this one date, if you can even call it that, and the guy shows up at the coffee shop and he’s 20 years older than his photos and the age on his profile.”

“What? Why would he do that?”

“Cause he can. Thinks that if younger women just meet him and see how charming he is they will over look the lie. He even asked me what I thought of him. I told him that he didn’t look anything like his photos and that I didn’t appreciate the bait and switch because it makes him look a liar.”

“You didn’t?”

“Yep I did. He asked for the bill, threw it at me and said he’d buy dinner next time and walked out.”

“What did he expect you to say?”

“Probably that he was great, even though he was 20 years older than I thought he was, and could we go back to his place. The idiot.”

“I thought only women lied about their age.”

“So did I. Apparently, not. Men are just as delusional and vain.”

“Christine, Justine, hello. I think there’s a bad joke in there.”

“Gwentine, have a seat.” Christine says and I hold up my glass of wine to Gwen in a cheers motion. “Maybe we can start a trend.”

“Or a band.” I say.

“So what do you two think of all this?” Gwen asks.

We go over our opinions of the lavish event as others join us. The consensus is that it sets the bar high, but the kids love it and Kathleen enjoys doing it so, all is good. Yeah, until our kid’s next birthday party when they want a big production too.

The little pirates have come out of the basement and Kathleen’s husband leads them on the scavenger hunt around the neighbourhood to find clue after clue, hidden in the parks, neighbours yards, and even the local convenience store for a slushie in special take home pirate cups.

“Hey ladies can you give me a hand?” Kathleen asks.

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“Sure.” We all say together.

So while the kids were out scavenging, we took all the gifts and hid them in the backyard play structure. We then used fabric to transform the structure into a pirate ship and hoisted the pirate flag.

When the kid’s get back they have a second treasure hunt to find out what Blackbeard did with the presents. This time they had to go through an obstacle course in the backyard, play a game of throw the cannon ball (water balloons), buy swords with the items found in the scavenger hunt and then have a sword fight with the adults to defeat Blackbeard, (the kid’s dad in costume) in order to get the presents back.

By the end I was exhausted from all the noise, talking, and kids hyped up on candy treasure, flavoured gelatine, and ice cream cake. Harper had so much fun it’s all he talked about it for months. He begged me for something just as cool as Jack’s birthday party. He got laser tag.

This year the theme is Video Games. No costumes, I guess the boys are getting too big for that. There are going to be multiple video game tournaments with lots of prizes. That’s what Harper tells me. They even rented some big screen and two or three big screen TVs so multiple games can be going on. It’s enough to make my head hurt thinking about it. How much noise can 4 video game systems make? Maybe I should buy some earplugs.

Charlie’s Date Changes is Mind

Chicklit man hater




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Birthday party

Click image for Pirate Birthday Invitations

Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a look at the characters in a new novel about being a 40+ year old woman in today’s world. The novel, like all literature, draws from real life but embellishes it, changes it, and merges it together with fantasy. You won’t find a 100% true story on the blog or in the novel. I welcomes any parenting or dating stories you would like to share for the book, but please understand the story will only be a jump off point as I’m not about to publish anything exactly as it happened. Email her today at Shannonpeel01[ at ]gmail [.com]

And yes…. Dating stories about women behaving badly are welcome too, as my characters are flawed and handicapped when it comes to dating.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PMShannon Peel is the author of THIRTEEN a book about a boy and his mom caught behind enemy lines when soldiers attack their North American hometown. The story asks the question, what if it happened here?

For more information check out her website. www.shannonpeel.com

Date Changes his Mind?

Charlie is a character in the novella series 40 Something about five women trying to figure out what it means to be 40 plus in the 21st Century.  Here are her thoughts about a date who didn’t show.


Some call dating a game. Some call it a dance. I call it a complete waste of time.

I don’t know how Lindsay does it, she always has someone asking her out and making plans with her. She has men bending over backwards to get her attention and here I am on a Friday night with nothing to do. I want to know how she does it.

I had a date lined up for yesterday, that moved to today, and guess what? I’m sitting in my apartment drinking wine, alone.

I started chatting with this guy on an online dating site a few months back. Good looking guy, built. A body builder type who looks fabulous in a suit. Mr. Muscles all the way. I compliment him, a lot. I went all out on the compliments to stroke that ego. We flirted and I didn’t mention any of my crappitty-crap-crap. He was flirty, nice, smart, and respectful. He was a gentleman. A decent guy.  I thought we were hitting it off. Thing is, you never can tell with online instant messaging.

His last words to me the were, can we meet this week? I’ll come downtown. I messages back.

Perfect, let me know what works best for you. 

His response, I’ll message you later this week. 

I never heard from him. Not one message. Not one word. Nothing. Weeks pass and I don’t think anymore of it, he obviously changed his mind. OK so, I’m a bit disappointed. It is rejection. Another guy who is kinda into me, but not really. He messages me when he’s bored and there is no one prettier to talk to.

I’m the fall back chick. I really hate that. It hurts to know that I’m good enough to pass the time with online, but not good enough to get excited about meeting. I’m getting used to it. I mean I’m no beauty.

Don’t get me wrong, I like myself. I’m a great person with a lot to offer a man, the list is endless. But this is men we’re talking about here. Men who are looking at an online catalogue with countless options available. Men who are visual creatures and they are searching for the best looking thing they can score. I’m not that on the outside.

Lindsay is. Lindsay is drop dead gorgeous and the men flood her inbox with requests for dinner and movies and fun activities. They don’t ask her if they can give it to her up the, well let’s just say I get a lot of odd requests online.

Then I go and do something stupid.

Three days ago, he puts up a new sexy hot pic and dumb ass me, I message him.

Nice pic, I’m drooling. 

We start chatting again and this time we make actual concrete plans for Thursday at 5:00 for sushi, near his place. He actually asked me out on a real date. A real date. Not a hook up. Not a let’s hang and watch TV. Not a coffee meet. It’s an actual date.

I am so excited.

I want to look hot, really smokin hot, so I make an appointment to get my hair done, I clear my Thursday schedule, I make plans to go shopping for something extra sexy to wear. I make a list of all the things I need to do to look FAB U LOUS.

A dinner date is a big deal to me. Most of the time, guys just want to play with my huge chest so, when it comes time to meet, I ask where and they say:

Let’s meet in my bedroom, car or hotel room. 

That’s when I disappear.

Mr. Muscles asked me on a real date. Three days ago.

He asked me to go out for sushi. I’m over the moon. I’m nervous as hell because I know I’m overweight, I know I’m in my 40s, I know I’m not all that on the outside. A few times I think I should message him and tell him that I’m not thin. That I’m overweight. That it’s OK if he doesn’t want to meet me because I’m fat. I don’t. I stay strong. I want to meet him. I say nothing.

I don’t message him, I wait for him to message me. I don’t want to come across as needy. I don’t want to push him away. He doesn’t message me and I don’t message him for 3 days. Better to talk over dinner. I always screw it up by messaging some stupid ass remark anyway. Then Thursday morning comes and I need to confirm plans. I need to. I don’t want to be stood up.

I really hate when that happens.

I send him a message:

Are we still on for today?

His Response: Call me

This doesn’t sound promising. I call.

“Hey it’s Charlie.”

“Hi Charlie, how are you?”

“Good. How about you?”

“Busy. My day got really busy and I have a lot of meetings so, I don’t think I can meet at 5.”

I’m disappointed. I try to keep it out of my voice. He’s in finance at some bank downtown, so I get it. These things happen. They do. I’ve had to rebook dates at times because of court and clients. Professionals are busy people. That’s how it goes. I get that. I do. I keep telling myself this.

“Oh OK.” I say.

“We could meet later today.”

“How about this. You call me when you know what time you can meet and if you can’t today, then we’ll meet tomorrow, sound good?”

The way I figure it, a girl has to be flexible if she’s gonna get a date and not be classified as some princess or drama queen. Besides he didn’t cancel he just pushed it out.

“I’ll text you when I know. Thanks Charlie.”

“No problem, see you later.”

I go to get my hair done and buy a new dress. I even splurged for a facial. I get home at about 3 and me being me, I check my work emails and my inbox is full, as usual. I’ll just answer a couple, the most urgent ones.

Work is like a bag of chips, I can’t just stop at one and before I know it a couple of hours have gone by and it’s 5pm.


Panic and stress pull me in two different directions egging me on to get ready.

Hold your horses my brain says.

My horses stop and I think. Hmmm. It’s 5:00. He hasn’t texted me with a new time. He’s obviously too busy and probably too tired to meet up tonight. I take a deep breath and then let it and all the stress out.

No use getting ready if he can’t make it.

Just wait.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been very good at waiting for a boy to call and an hour passes at a snails pace. This really ticks me off about time, when I am working and want it to slow down, so I can get everything done, it speeds up. Then when I want it to speed up, it slows down. I hate that about time.

I babble when I’m nervous. I babble when I feel like I’m being judged. I babble when I’m stressed. I’m feeling nervous, stressed, and it’s a date so I know I’m going to be judged. Triple whammy.


Finally, he texts.

Him: Just finishing up 

Me: OK

Him: Going to the Gym 

Me: OK

Now when a guy says we’ll see each other later, then later comes and he texts going to the gym, what is the right response? I could ask what about our date? But that would come off as too needy. I really want to tell him what I think about him going to the gym instead of meeting me, but that would come off as too bitchy.

So, I leave it at OK, cause they’re is always tomorrow. My phone beeps.

Him: Got to focus chat with you later.

Me: OK chat later

I go back to my computer, work some more, go to bed and to work all day. I stay busy. I don’t text him. Texting him is bad, it signals that I’m desperate, waiting beside the phone for him. I’m not pathetic. Well, I am, I just don’t want him to know it.

The day starts, the day goes by, and the day ends. No texts. No date tonight either.

Now what? What am I supposed to do now?

Text him how much of an asshole he is for doing this to me?

Forget him and move on?

Text him and ask why he didn’t want to meet me?

Block him?

I hate dating. I hate the game. I hate the dance. I hate it because I’m always on the loosing end. Five years. Five long fu**ing years and I haven’t met one guy who stuck past 2 dates. Not one.

Why can some women find boyfriends and others can’t?


Are Relationships All That?

you are lovely (1)_Fotor

Do you have a bad dating story to share?


Buy the novella – Sunday Dinner From Amazon.

Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a look at the characters in a new novel about being a 40+ year old woman in today’s world. The novel, like all literature, draws from real life and embellishes it, changes it, and merges it together with fantasy. You won’t find a 100% true story on the blog or in the novel. I welcomes any parenting or dating stories you would like to share for the book, but please understand the story will only be a jump off point as I’m not about to publish anything exactly as it happened. Email her today at Shannonpeel01[ at ]gmail [.com]

And yes…. Dating stories about women behaving badly are welcome too, as my characters are flawed and handicapped when it comes to dating.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PMShannon Peel is the author of THIRTEEN a book about a boy and his mom caught behind enemy lines when soldiers attack their North American hometown. The story asks the question, what if it happened here?

For more information check out her website. www.shannonpeel.com

Date Night With the Hubby

Excerpt from 40 Something. A book about life, family, children, marriage, dating, careers, rivals, sisters, friends, technology, abuse, love, and so much more.

Click for Paperback


I pull into the driveway and park the van. My head is throbbing with the beginnings of a headache. I lean back on the seat’s headrest and close my eyes. Just for a minute. Only a minute.



My eyes shoot open, an electric shock jolts me and my heart pounds in my chest. I feel a wave of blood moving through my body. I’m getting light headed and dizzy. What the? I turn and my son’s face is looking at me through the driver’s side window. I put my hand to my chest breath deep and push the button to open the window, nothing happens. Right. I turn the key in the ignition and put the window down.

“Aiden. You scared me. What?”

“Aren’t you coming in? You’ve been out here for almost an hour.”

An hour? I look at the time on the dash. It’s been almost an hour since I parked. The groceries! I panic. Meat, frozen pizzas, milk, cheese. I flick the switch unlocking all the locks on the van and the back door rises up.

“Grab some groceries and take them into the house. Where are your sisters?”

“Awwwwe do I have to?”

“Yes. Your sisters?”

“I don’t know. Inside.”

I grab a few bags and yell for my three daughters to unload the van and put the groceries away because I’m running late. They whine while doing it. I don’t care.

“Well if you hadn’t fallen asleep -” Aiden starts and I just glare at him daring him to continue. The boy’s not dumb, I’ll give him that.

I have to get ready Gus will be home soon.

I run upstairs to jump in the shower, shave, wash my hair, the whole nine yards. I have less than an hour to look gorgeous. Not an easy feat at 40. After 22 years, four kids and an extra 100 lbs I am not the slim beautiful 18-year-old girl my husband married. I know Gus still loves me. He says my curves and stretch marks make me that much more real and attractive to him. More cushin for the pushin he teases me and I try to believe him, I do.

My husband doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him, thanks to good genes and a physical labour job as a contractor, he even still has most of his hair. I see the women lingering around him, flirting with their eyes, trying to get my husband’s attention. He claims never to notice because he only has eyes for me. Ha. I just bet he didn’t notice when Melissa Rempkin walked right into him at church and then looked up with puppy dog eyes.

“Ooops sorry Gus. You sure are a solid one aren’t you?”

I could have ripped her eyes out and I would have too if the pastor hadn’t walked by at that very moment. I mean, I can’t have him thinking I’m a jealous, violent, irrational, woman, now can I?

I get out of the shower, look at my naked body in the mirror and cringe. I’m plump. Round. No, not rounded, round. My waist is larger than my hips and my hips are round. Remember in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, when the girl eats the gum and becomes a big fat round blue berry and needs to be rolled out by the umpa loompas. No, not the Johnny Depp one, the original one, the one made before, before I was born. The one with, what was his name? It’s been so long since I saw it. Gene Something… Simmons? Hackman? Oh I don’t know.

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“Moooooom.” My son’s voice coming through the door.


“You forgot the Nacho cheese dip. How are we supposed to have a movie night without the nacho cheese dip?”

“I don’t know. You have to make do. Now leave me alone or give me your game system.”

I start getting dressed. Nothing fits the way I want and I hate how I look. After trying on four dresses and a pantsuit I settle on a black sac of a dress. It might as well be a tent. My hair at least is cooperating. I wished I’d had time to go to the hairdressers this afternoon and get it done up really nice, but with driving the kids around, the groceries, getting the house cleaned up, laundry, the list is endless.

There that should do it.

I dig in the bathroom closet for my make up box. I hardly ever wear any, there is little to no point. I rarely go out and when I do, no one cares what I look like. Lack of daily practice is making a mess of things and I feel like a clown. Too much eye shadow and the lipstick is too bright.

“Mom. Aiden is being a little shit, you have to get him under control.”

“Language Alexis, watch your language.”

I turn to see my eldest daughter looking gorgeous and dressed to the nines in a blue patterned skirt with a matching blouse and her hair cascading over her shoulders. She’s 19 and looks a lot like I did when I married Gus. I look at my slim daughter with her indented waist and perky breasts and sigh.

Just wait I think, twenty years and you’ll look like me.

“And where do you think your going tonight?” I ask.

“Out with Cameron.”

“Which one is Cameron?”

“The blonde with the pick up truck. You know he goes to the University, he’s studying to be a lawyer one day.”

“Oh right him. What happened to the one whose an electrician or something? I like him.”

“Dan? I’m seeing him tomorrow and before you ask I went out with Richard last night.”

“How do you keep them all straight? I can’t even imagine dating more than one man. You’re not sleeping with them all are you? Don’t forget you can catch diseases and worse they’ll think you’re a whore and no man has ever fallen in love with a whore. You really should just pick one or else people will think you’re a slut or something.”

She has heard me say these things a hundred times already and I can see from the glaze over her eyes that she isn’t listening. Why do I bother? I just want her to be happy. Not like her aunt Charlene or worse Charlene’s new friend Lindsay. I wouldn’t worry so much if she’d just find a nice boy. A boy who is like Gus and would take care of her, protect her. It’s a dangerous world for girls. It just is.

“Mom. Enough. Aiden. That little spoiled shit you call a favourite.”

“I do not.”

She rolls her eyes. I hate it when she rolls her eyes.

“Everyone knows he’s your precious little boy and that he’s an entitled pain in the ass who at this very moment is trying to make nacho cheese sauce in your kitchen with your favourite pot. Thought you might want to know.”

With that she turns on her heel and walks out the door.

Trying to make nacho cheese sauce? Oh no, what does that mean?

I hurry downstairs and there is my son with cheese all over the counter and a pot of burning cheese on the stove.

“Oh Aiden.”

“I wanted Nacho Cheese sauce. Gerry likes Nacho Cheese sauce and I told him there would be some.”

I grab the pot off the red-hot stove element. Right then, the smoke detector goes off and Gus walks into the kitchen.

“Ready to go on our date honey?”

On Being 40 Something

Baring my soul




Purpose of this Blog

This blog is a look at the characters in a new novel about being a 40+ year old woman in today’s world. The novel, like all literature, draws from real life but embellishes it, changes it, and merges it together with fantasy. You won’t find a 100% true story on the blog or in the novel. I welcomes any parenting or dating stories you would like to share for the book, but please understand the story will only be a jump off point as I’m not about to publish anything exactly as it happened. Email her today at Shannonpeel01[ at ]gmail [.com]

And yes…. Dating stories about women behaving badly are welcome too, as my characters are flawed and handicapped when it comes to dating.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 12.25 PM

Shannon Peel is the author of THIRTEEN a book about a boy and his mom caught behind enemy lines when soldiers attack their North American hometown. The story asks the question, what if it happened here?

For more information check out her website.www.shannonpeel.com